Little's Septic & Grease Trap Blog

Flushable wipes? Doesn’t mean you should flush them

Knowing that flushing anything aside from a very short list isn’t recommended, and that wipes aren’t on that list, people who want to sell you things on the basis of convenience have instituted the “flushable wipe.” It should be noted here that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Leaving [...]

January 2, 2024|Main|

How to better enjoy your portable bathroom experience

Planning a large-scale outdoor event in an venue without built-out plumbing infrastructure? Acquiring the use of portable toilets – port-a-potties, port-a-johns, what-have-you – is perhaps the best, most viable solution for such activities – especially if it’s a long-running or recurring happening. It isn’t necessarily enough just to provide a place of business [...]

November 20, 2023|Main|

Why not to go the DIY route when repairing your septic tank

It’s hardwired into us as instinct, as part of our American identity, even: the desire to handle things ourselves. There’s even a shorthand for it: DIY. Doing it yourself works for many things: house projects, fixing your lunch, cutting your own hair, even, if you’re brave enough. Save money, avoid potential inconveniences, while [...]

October 12, 2023|Main|

Pros of buying a home with a septic system

Somewhere between 20 and 25% of all American homes rely on septic systems to dispose of their waste, it’s estimated – with that number higher in largely rural areas, such as our Tri-State. Looking at buying a house that doesn’t have city sewer service? You’ll be pleased to know there are several positives [...]

September 12, 2023|Main|

Approach abandoned septic systems with care

One thing to keep in mind when approaching the idea of purchasing an older property including a home, especially one that hasn’t been in continuous use, is what the septic system situation is. Maintenance of the septic system hasn’t always been top of mind, and in the past, leaving old septic tanks where [...]

August 16, 2023|Main|

How working from home can affect your septic system

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit and many people began primarily working from home, that trend was developing, of companies’ workflows becoming conducive to getting more things done from the house. The coronavirus only accelerated that trend, and while there can certainly be benefits to conducting your business from your home office – [...]

July 22, 2023|Main|

Reasons why you may need a new septic system

Yes, septic systems are built to last. And, if they’re taken care of well and properly routinely serviced, and with a little luck, they will last, for decades. But, they are not built to last in perpetuity. And besides that, good fortune is not always with us, is it? Here are some reasons [...]

June 16, 2023|Main|

What to know about real estate septic system inspections

Congratulations! You’re looking into buying a new house. Whether you’re taking a step in a relationship that requires a new place, expanding your family and thus needing more room, upgrading or downsizing in anticipation of a new chapter in your life, there are any number of good reasons why it would be time [...]

May 25, 2023|Main|

A couple traditional applications for a persistent clog

Perhaps one of the best modern-day real-world applications of the pithy saying “judge not lest ye be judged” might be when something gets flushed you didn’t plan to be flushed. Maybe your toddler, in an exploratory phase, was intrigued by the lever, the rushing water, the “poof! gone.” Perhaps something fell off the [...]

April 12, 2023|Main|
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