What you need to know about hooking your RV up to a septic tank
A recreational vehicle can be the perfect utility knife when you need a little extra space to stay at your place. Lots of family in town? Some houseguests who prefer a little extra privacy? Someone you know moving back home for an extended period of time? An RV could be a great solution. [...]
How to extend the lifespan of your septic system
Keeping your septic system running as it should is partially a matter of good fortune, as environmental factors could be involved. But maintenance of the system, to a large degree, is in the hands of the owner and operator. Here are some things you can do to extend the life of your system: [...]
What to know before installing a septic tank
Congratulations! You’ve decided it’s time to join the more than 60 million people in the United States, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, whose homes are served by septic systems. As with many if not most major changes to your property, septic systems are not one-size-fits-all. Proper consideration of how to go [...]
Some tips to keeping roots out of your septic system
The symbolism of roots – putting them down; using them to hold on – holds great meaning in metaphors and similes. The reason for that is rooted in the literal – they are a great deterrent to erosion that could cause landslides or worse. They are virtually immovable, come what may. However, there [...]
Will your septic system work with the power out?
Everyone knows the electricity will go out from time to time, be it because of ice or wind knocking down trees and taking out power lines, an automobile accident taking out a pole, or, God forbid, running out of money before you run out of month. One of many problems you may encounter [...]
Yes, your septic system can freeze
The Tri-State has already been through one round of polar vortex-induced plunging temperatures and a snow dump to boot. And it’s only February. The list of infrastructure and structures to be worried about in such situations can be long: roads, bridges, roofs, windows, sheds, garages, barns, decks, gazebos, homes. Believe it or not, [...]
Sump pumps: where and why you may need one
Many of the pieces to our septic systems are well-known, from drain to tank. One of the potentially most valuable components that is a little less talked about is the sump pump. Sump pumps collect and remove liquid from low spaces. Many houses in places with high risk of flooding contain sump pumps in the basement, as a [...]
Flushable wipes? Doesn’t mean you should flush them
Knowing that flushing anything aside from a very short list isn’t recommended, and that wipes aren’t on that list, people who want to sell you things on the basis of convenience have instituted the “flushable wipe.” It should be noted here that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Leaving [...]
How to better enjoy your portable bathroom experience
Planning a large-scale outdoor event in an venue without built-out plumbing infrastructure? Acquiring the use of portable toilets – port-a-potties, port-a-johns, what-have-you – is perhaps the best, most viable solution for such activities – especially if it’s a long-running or recurring happening. It isn’t necessarily enough just to provide a place of business [...]
Why not to go the DIY route when repairing your septic tank
It’s hardwired into us as instinct, as part of our American identity, even: the desire to handle things ourselves. There’s even a shorthand for it: DIY. Doing it yourself works for many things: house projects, fixing your lunch, cutting your own hair, even, if you’re brave enough. Save money, avoid potential inconveniences, while [...]